STOPAQ® system: Ground to air

Utilising Corrosol VE95 as a 3rd layer option over the top of simple ground to air applications provides heavier duty impact protection, thus allowing for increased durability of STOPAQ® corrosion preventative materials and impacts from potentially damaging mechanical forces. It is specifically 

Utilising Corrosol VE95 as a 3rd layer option over the top of simple ground to air applications provides heavier duty impact protection, thus allowing for increased durability of STOPAQ® corrosion preventative materials and impacts from potentially damaging mechanical forces. It is specifically engineered to adhere extremely well to outerwrapping systems, providing complete corrosion protection. STOPAQ® and Corrosol are simple and easy to apply, eliminating the use of complex tools allowing for complete versatility in a range of environments.

engineered to adhere extremely well to outerwrapping systems, providing complete corrosion protection. STOPAQ® and Corrosol are simple and easy to apply, eliminating the use of complex tools allowing for complete versatility in a range of environments.